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The Holy Spirit must now iron out all the creases and wrinkles in my life and personality - and the further I progress on the road of sanctification, the more creases and wrinkles I discover. This ironing process is a life-long process and involves a renewing of my personality to become more and more like Jesus.

It involves a renewing of my Thought-system to think more and more like Jesus. It involves a renewing of my Emotion-system to feel more and more like Jesus. It also involves a renewal of my Disposition to act and react more and more like Jesus.
The very first thing a soldier must do before he leaves for the battle field is to prepare for war, and so must the Christian. There are four preparations a Christian must do to prepare for war, the first is to report for duty, the second is to confirm my allegiance, the third is to take up my rank in God's army, and the fourth is to put on my armour.
2012  Edition

now available in PDF format

The Psychology of the Bible - Part 5: The Secret of
Personality Renewal
Previous Editions of The Christian Discipler
September/October 2011 - Afrikaans
November/December 2011 - English
December/January 2012
February/March 2012
Prayer Warfare - Part 4
Preparing for, and Engaging in Battle
April/May 2012
June/July 2012
August/September 2012
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